More Awesomeness......

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Teddy Bear

Yesterday, I received a Teacher of the Week Award... or maybe the Month. Honestly, I'm not sure, because I wasn't listening to the announcements. Oops. Anyway, I won Teacher of the Something, voted on by the students, sponsored by some student organization, for me doing something. Pretty exciting stuff. I'll wait while you all whoop and holler and tell me how wonderful I am.

Well, THAT didn't last long.

ANYWAY, the part of the announcement that I did pay attention to was that I should be looking for a gift coming my way. Now that is something I can definitely do. I'm all about awards. They're awesome. And prestigious. And rewarding. And absolutely something you forget you had the next day. Gifts on the other hand? Especially surprise ones? Sign me up. Especially if they're sparkly and expensive. (Did you see that, hubby o'mine?)

I daydreamed all day about what it could be. A gift certificate for lunch perhaps? A candy-filled mug? An hour off from teaching? I was giddy with excitement.

Right before lunch, a student came down the hallway carrying something just for me. The kids parted like Moses and the Red Sea. There in her arms lay a two foot tall white teddy bear holding a rose. In her hand, she carried a hot pink satin-covered heart with a ribbon all the way around proclaiming Godiva chocolates.

"Congratulations," the girl said, beaming. "We love you." I oooooed and I ahhhhhed. I thanked her and told her how sweet it all was. I gave her a hug, and then she handed me the gifts and walked away.

As I turned to walk into my empty classroom, my spoils of victory clutched in my hands, a smile on my face, I caught a faint whiff of something. I frowned and sniffed again. Definite odor. How strange. I bent my head and sniffed the bear's head. No odor. I sniffed the chocolates. No odor. I walked to my desk and smelled something again. I smelled the bear's side this time, and there it was. A yellow stain. Oh yes. That's it.... the smell of PEE. They had just given me a used teddy bear. A well-loved, peed-on teddy bear.

So what does one do with a used teddy bear that smells like pee, given to you by a student organization that prevents bullying, in honor of you helping and supporting students? Why, if you are a teacher, you put it on your bookcase, pretend you love it, and spray some Lysol. 'Cause that's what Jesus would do. Maybe.

With the bell looming for the end of lunch period, I sat down and ate my lunch at my desk, occasionally sneaking peeks at my new friend and then shaking my head. Toward the end of lunch, I decided I would reward myself with a piece of my Godiva chocolate, because I am worth it, and because someone gave me a pee-covered bear. I might even eat two.

Imagine my surprise when I opened up the heart, and there laying in the center of that beautiful, hot pink silky box lay not chocolate, nay, not a single piece, but a single beat up package of Little Debbie snack cakes.

I'll wait while that sinks in.

I got a pee-covered stuffed animal and diabetes in a bag. That's right. Be jealous.

You know, you really should. My kiddos, completely of their own accord, gathered the gifts together and told their sponsor they wanted to do this. I was the first person they gave it to. That makes me smile.

Maybe if you're lucky, someday, you too can be teacher of the week....month... whatever it was. The gifts may not be awesome, but I definitely felt the love from my kiddos. And THAT I wouldn't trade for the world. The teddy bear? I can give you a sweet, sweet deal on.


  1. Keep them coming I like the way you write

  2. I can't stop laughing. This is to funny.

  3. I love this. How many times in life are the gifts that God sends are way disguised as tattered package of Little Debbies and a used beat up teddy bear. Keep them coming lady.

  4. I think that bear needs to go home with you over the weekend and have a nice hot bleach bath!

  5. I can't believe this! You've got to be joking! I do want you to know, though, that one of my (our) students talks about you almost daily and how much she enjoys your personality and how your class is her favorite and on and on... :) It seems you are certainly appreciated on campus even though the tangible objects of this appreciation may be a little worse for the wear.;)

  6. Well now- that’s a heart-felt story. Basic parallels to our prayers of adoration to the Jesus, most likely. I think that’s biblical. Now that I see the original written version, I think the kids are seriously doing their best to thank you, as best they could. I’m glad you kept the bear, cleaned it up, and still love the kids. And you’re still doing a good work in 2022!
