More Awesomeness......

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cavity Searches Are in Her Future

Around this time of year, every other sentence it seems is punctuated with, "Do you know what I want for Christmas? A ....."

This morning I was confronted with something new.

The Kid: Mom, I want a Stuffie for Christmas.
Me: What the heck is a Stuffie?
The Kid: It's a stuffed animal.
Me: You need one of those like a hole in the head. Seriously? Aren't you getting a bit old for a stuffed animal?
The Kid: But this one is special.
Me: I've heard this spiel before.
The Kid: No, mom! Seriously!
 Me: What's so special about it?
The Kid: This one has hidden pockets all over it.
 Me: What do you need with hidden pockets in a stuffed animal?
The Kid: I'm planning ahead for my teenage years. I can hide my drugs in there.

 And *that's* one gift we WON'T be getting.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Something Foul Is in the Air

Tomorrow I'm making Indian Tacos for dinner.   

They are delicious.  

                                              I totally took that photo from Wiki.  Looks good doesn't it? I'd tell you the recipe, but then I'd need another blog for that.                                                                                                      And a book deal. 

Anyway, I needed some tomatoes and onions to make pico de gallo.  

Once at Wal-mart, however, I discovered it was cheaper for me to buy their already made pico de gallo and add a bit of cilantro than it was for me to buy everything to make it.   

As I picked up the sealed plastic container, The Kid breathed in deep.   

We walked a few more steps, and she says, "Oh!  It's the onions!"

"What is?" I asked, distractedly.

"Well, I smelled onions, and wondered if it was me, but I put on deodorant this morning.  So then I wondered if it was you, but I can't tell if you stink.   Then, I thought maybe it was that lady over there.  When we walked by though,  I couldn't smell her, either.  I was trying to figure out who had the bad body odor when I realized that it was the actual onions, not a person.  Whew.  When you're at Wal-Mart though, you can never be too sure."

So true. I'm not hungry.